Decrees & Regulations
- Executive Decree 08-265 pertaining to the organization of studies leading to Bachelor's, Master's degrees [Fr] /[Ar]
- Executive Decree 08-265 pertaining to the organization of studies leading to Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral degrees[Fr]/[Ar]
- Executive Decree No. 13-306 of 24 Chaoual 1434 corresponding to 31 August 2013 on the organisation of practical and professional placements for students [Fr]/[Ar]
- Decree 86-61 laying down the conditions for admission, study and care of foreign students and trainees[Fr]/[Ar]
- Executive Decree 10-137 laying down conditions for admission to study and care for foreign students and trainees[Fr]/[Ar]
- Décret exécutif 10-137 modifiant et complétant le décret 86-61 fixant les conditions d’admission, d’études et de prise e-01 [Fr]/[Ar]
- Executive Decree 10-202 postgraduate doctorate specialized habilitation[Fr]/[Ar]
- Décret exécutif 98-254 doctorat post graduation spécialisée habilitation[Fr]/[Ar]
- Executive Decree 09-89 amending Executive Decree 98-254 on doctoral training in PGS and empowerment[Fr]/[Ar]
- Executive Decree 10-231 bearing status of doctoral student[Fr]/[Ar]
- Executive Decree 09-03 Tutoring [Fr]/[Ar]
- Doctorate LMD Circular-17-May-2010 eligibility criteria[Fr]/[Ar]
- Circular 06-Access-Master 2010-2011 [Fr]/[Ar]
- Registration Masters 2010 -2011[Fr]/[Ar]